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Merched y Wawr

Merched y Wawr is a national organisation and The members of the Talsarnau branch which number 15 members, meet in the Neuadd Gymuned every month from October through to May.

The meetings are usually held on the first Monday of every month at 7 p.m., but this year for the first time it has been decided to hold the January and February meetings, which are the coldest months, in the afternoon at 2.00p.m.


We have the following officials - President, Vice-President, Secretary, Vice-Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Treasurer, with everybody co-operating well for the general good of the branch, with everybody ready to lend a helping hand when necessary. Interesting visits are organised twice a year, in September and in June, and we are sure to enjoy a meal at a reputable restaurant before turning for home! In December we have a Christmas dinner, and a St David's Day meal in March every year. In the other months, interesting talks and presentations on various topics are organised.

The membership fee for the year is £18 per head, which includes four colourful, interesting quarterly magazines "Y Wawr". At each meeting at the hall £2 is charged for a cup of tea and raffle.

There is a warm welcome for new members to join the branch and we would be very glad to see new members with new, fresh ideas, to ensure the future of the branch at Talsarnau. There is much fun to be had at the meetings, and the socializing is of benefit to one and all. You can join at any time.