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Terms and Conditions

 Talsarnau Community Hall is hired under the following Terms and Conditions.

1.     Everyone who hires the hall is responsible for any damage caused to the building, furniture or equipment during the period of letting.     

2.    The full price shown on this form must be paid, for every individual event, prior to the date of letting.   Where th letting covers a period of several evenings during the winter e.g. classes held over several weeks the total cost of letting can be paid at the end of the period.

3.    All who hire any room in the building are asked to leave the place clean and tidy after use.

4.    The cooking of food is not allowed in the kitchen-only 6 persons allowed at any one time.

5.    Bouncy Castles and other inflatable devices are not allowed in the hall unless by prior arrangement with the booking clerk.

6.    On each occasion, the hirer should sign this form before the date of the event.

7.   The Hall does not have a licence to sell alcohol.




Special Conditions of Hire during COVID-19


Note: These conditions are supplemental to, not a replacement for, the hall’s ordinary conditions of hire.


1:   You, the hirer, will be responsible for ensuring those attending your activity or event comply with the COVID-19 Secure Guidelines while entering and occupying the hall, as shown on the attached poster which is also displayed at the hall entrance, in particular using the hand sanitiser supplied when entering the hall and after using the cleaning products supplied.

2:   The hall will be cleaned before your arrive and you will be responsible for cleaning all regularly used surfaces during your period of hire (including tables, chairs and door handles) using  the products supplied in the hall foyer.  Please take care cleaning electrical equipment.  Use cloths - do not spray!

3:   You will make sure that everyone likely to attend your activity or event understands that they MUST NOT DO SO if they or anyone in their household has had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 7 days, and that if they develop symptoms within 7 days of visiting the premises they MUST use the Test, Track and Trace system to alert others with whom they have been in contact.

4:   You will keep the premises well ventilated throughout your hire, with windows and doors open as far as convenient. You will be responsible for ensuring they are all securely closed on leaving.

5:  The ladies toilets are kept exclusively for the use of the Ysgol Feithrin and must NOT be used – the men's toilets and disabled toilets are available to the public.

6:   You are asked to keep a record of the name and contact telephone number or email of all those who attend your event for a period of 3 weeks after the event and provide the record to NHS Track and trace if required.

7:   You will be responsible for the disposal of all rubbish created during your hire, including tissues and cleaning cloths, in the bins provided throughout the Hall.


8: We will have the right to close the hall if there are safety concerns relating to COVID-19.  If this is necessary, we will do our best to inform you promptly and you will not be charged for this hire.

9: In the event of someone becoming unwell with suspected Covid-19 symptoms while at the

Hall, you should remove them to the designated safe area which is outside the main entrance under the covered area. Provide tissues and a bin or plastic bag, and a bowl of warm soapy water for hand washing. Ask others in your group to provide contact details if you do not have them and then leave the premises, observing the usual hand sanitising and social distancing precautions, and advise them to launder their clothes when they arrive home.  Inform the Booking Clerk on (01766) 770599.



Signed __________________________  Date _______________

                                                                             Hire of Hall – Covid 19

                                                                             Amended 11 October, 2021.